Heaven On Earth

Watching The Sunrise

watching the sunrise 2012

Watching the sunrise, witnessing the fresh start to a brand new day. Breathing in the cool morning air, and sipping your coffee. Knowing it’s too early to worry and yet too late to stay in your bed. You just have to see the world before it gets too busy. You just need to feel the serenity of it all as the world awakens like a new-born child.

Watching the sunrise reminds you that we can all start anew each day, forgetting whatever troubled you in the night, looking forward to every new thing you can still see and feel and taste for the hours given you. A new beginning, something so close to heaven.

“God has two dwellings: one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart. -Izaak Walton”

Heaven On Earth

The Inspirer’s View of Heaven

Once, the Visionary came to the Inspirer as he was having a hard time about a certain vision.

The Visionary asked, “Have you ever wondered what heaven must be like?”

To this the Inspirer replied, “Yes, when I have not yet known heaven, I wondered of so many things.”

“And now you know heaven?”

Heaven On Earth Poems

I Dream of a Better World

i dream of a better world

I Dream of a Better World

I dream of a place where I can be understood,
such a place where finally,
I can be myself.
I dream of a place
where people need not be told anymore
what to do,
because they already know it,
because finally,
they’re already guided by their hearts.
I dream of a place
where people can be brothers,
where people can be friends,
where people can be people
and remain to be a people of the sun.
I dream of a place
where I can paint the world
and sing to it my songs;
where I can dance
when I’m filled with joy;
and where I can cry
when I can no longer hold back
my soul.
I dream of a place,
where we all can dream,
and make those dreams come true;
where clouds are as soft
as cotton candies,
and where stars are fireflies
that roam the night;
where children
and play
and run;
where wings can fly us
’round that magic sky.
Where we don’t have to worry
and where don’t have to wait
for a brighter tomorrow
and a happier today.
Where we can all walk down life’s road
in one direction,
walking hand in hand,
and side by side.
I dream of a place
no further than a step,
of a world
no further than a kiss.
For this world is all we need to have
if we could just
and believe.

Healing Heaven On Earth

A Little Piece of Heaven

This is a sad time and a sad generation. Although there is no world war, although the technology to live a comfortable life has never been as advanced, although we can now reach one another in a click of a button; all the good things we possess can’t seem to cast away the dark clouds that hang everywhere, obscuring the azure sky, blocking the warmth of our bright and faithful sun.

Stripped of its radiance, we walk on cold pavements each day, flaunting the calloused hearts that hold back our tears, wandering the streets hurriedly, as though we knew where we should be going. The truth however is that we walk naked, pretending we are strong, numbing our hearts and killing our souls, just so we can get by, just so we’d be the people our twisted society wants us to transform into.

Rich and poor alike are dying within, the humanity of their souls being sucked away either by the necessity of their survival or by their meaningless ambitions. Where then can we find that little piece of heaven, that small flame of hope that would keep us from stumbling in the dark?

I urge you to look more closely, for it is there, streaking through the thick fog, making its way through the darkness.