“Nothing is permanent in this wicked world – not even our troubles.” – Charlie Chaplin
Nothing is permanent in this life. Not sorrow. Not happiness. Everything passes away.
If you have sadness now, take comfort in knowing it cannot last forever. If you have problems, they can be solved. We need not add more sorrow for our present grief.
On the other hand, if you are happy now, be wise in knowing you may not always possess what you have. If you are rich now, your wealth can be taken away and you will weep for what you have lost. So enjoy what you have while you still have it. Love the people you have in your life while you still have the time.
We are but pilgrims in this life. We arrive at some place and then sooner or later, we shall have to depart.
It isn’t that we should weep for what we cannot control, but that we should rejoice for everything that is given us. It isn’t that we should not aim to possess anything, but that we should lift our hearts to possess those things that will last for all eternity.
But I say this, brothers: the time is short, that from now on, both those who have wives may be as though they had none; and those who weep, as though they didn’t weep; and those who rejoice, as though they didn’t rejoice; and those who buy, as though they didn’t possess; and those who use the world, as not using it to the fullest. For the mode of this world passes away. But I desire to have you to be free from cares. – 1 Corinthians 7:29-32, WEB