Words of Wisdom

Things Worth Waiting For


The more important something is, the more we are willing to wait for it. We don’t just quit and give up. We don’t just turn away and shrug our shoulders when we are met with disappointments. Rather, we do our best to obtain it. We try again and again and again. We devote much time and much effort for it. If we have to, we give our very lives to have it because without it, our lives become empty and meaningless. Have you found something worth waiting for in your life today?

“Only the things worth having are worth waiting for.”

You may also want to read:
MEANWHILE (A Poem on Waiting)

Words of Wisdom

I Shall Not Be Moved


There are many things that distract us daily – worries, financial problems, doubts in our relationships and other problems that threaten our peace of mind. Because of this, we feel insecure. It’s like everything’s always shifting and we have no firm foundation to hang on to.

When things begin to get out of our control, let us allow God to bring stability and order once again in our lives. He is our anchor and He will help us to stand firmly when all around us things begin to shake and to fall apart.

“O, Lord, let me fix my eyes upon you for you alone will keep me safe. You are my rock. You will not let me stumble and fall. Let everyone else run in confusion and doubt, but with my firm faith in you, I shall stand. I shall not be moved.”

“He will not allow your foot to be moved. He who keeps you will not slumber.” – Psalm 121
(Bible Quote from the Free App – God’s Promises )

Words of Wisdom

Be More Patient With Yourself


There are times when we forget to be patient with ourselves. Yes, we’re growing, and yes, we’re trying our very best. But we are not perfect yet, and we are but human beings with human limitations after all. It takes time to change. It takes time to heal and to adjust. Today, be more patient with yourself. Accept that there will be times of weakness. Accept that there will be times of failure. Resolve to do better next time but in the meantime, forgive yourself and carry on.

“God does not love us only when we’re loveable, but more so when we’re most in need of love.”

Words of Wisdom

God Doesn’t Reject a Pure Heart


It is not easy to be rejected. It is not easy to fall short of someone else’s standards. Despite everything we try to do, we can’t seem to measure up. Is there really something that is lacking in us? Or are we just using a standard that fails to see who we really are? What if we try to see ourselves using God’s standards?

“Intelligence, wit, charm, strength, wealth, fame, power – such are the things that make us put our faith in men. But God knows better. God knows He can bestow all these things to anyone, and so He looks for one quality we often fail to see. God looks at the heart.”
(Excerpt from the Article “Why God Chooses the Most Unlikely People for the Job” )

Words of Wisdom

The Value of Patience


3 Things to Remember on the Value of Patience:

-It keeps us from hurting other people, especially those we love most.
-It keeps us from doing things we’d regret later on.
-It helps us wait for the fulfillment of our dreams instead of quitting too soon or giving up before we reap the rewards of our efforts.

To be patient is to be strong – strong enough to hope, to persevere, to love.

Hope is practised through the virtue of patience, which continues to do good even in the face of apparent failure… – Deus Caritas Est

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Love is Patient
Reflections on How to be Patient