In this world, a lot of things are not really like how they appear to be. If we could only see how much evil is being done behind a facade of goodness, charity and light, we’d be very much appalled! But at the same time, if we could only see how much goodness is being done in silence, how much sacrifice and prayer is being made without the necessity of noise or of taking credit for all the glory of it, we’d be more surprised. I still believe that there is more good that God is accomplishing in this world, at this present life, such goodness that will definitely prevail over evil, such light that will extinguish all the darkness that seem to threaten us.
Category: Words of Wisdom
The hardest person to look at is you. In order to see other people, all you need to do is to look using your own eyes. But to look at yourself, you need to use other tools. You can use a mirror for instance, or you can ask the people around you to tell you how you look. But do the eyes of others always offer an accurate reflection of who you really are? Sometimes it helps. Through the eyes of others, we can see our blind spots. We see both strengths and weaknesses we may not see on our own. But if we truly desire to see the truth, we need not look further than God’s eyes. Through His eyes, we can truly see who we really are.
Exposed to the Light
Sometimes, we do things we’re ashamed to let other people know. But why is it that we’re not afraid to let ourselves know and do these things in the first place?
Let us do such things with the perspective that they will be exposed to the light. Will they be things we’d be proud of? Or will they be things we’d rather hide?
When Does One Dream Best?
We dream best not when we have everything, but when we possess nothing but that dream we treasure in our hearts. It is true that it is hardest to dream when it is darkest, but that is just when the light of one’s dreams could shine the brightest, lighting the path towards tomorrow, bringing hope for a brighter future and a far better life. Let none take away that dream. Let it be a torch to guide you in your darkest night.
Passing It On
How susceptible we are to the influences of those around us! An angry word coming our way soon finds its expression in other angry words we may pass on to those we meet, even to those we had the least intention of hurting. On the other hand, kind words we receive warm our heart and find its expression in more loving words towards others.
What are we passing on to others today? Can we stop the cycle of anger by allowing God to heal our hurts and replace them with peace and joy?