There is nothing that a lover would want more
than to spend time alone with her beloved –
to gaze at him without anyone else looking
to hear his lovely voice
and to have sweet nothings whispered by him
unto her ears;
What bliss it is to walk hand in hand
never needing to let go,
knowing he will always be by her side.
To be alone with one’s beloved
is paradise,
for to be alone with him
is to not be alone at all.
Category: Words of Wisdom
Love Is Not Rude
Love is not rude. It is never aimed at hurting anyone. It is not careless with words or actions that could cause any pain to the one who is loved.
How many times have we hurt the very ones we love with words we thought were insignificant? How many relationships have been destroyed by disrespect?
Love cares. Love protects. Love uplifts and builds up and does not aim to offend or put down.
Love is fragile. It grows when we take care of it. It dies when it is neglected.
We are not perfect, but let this not be an excuse for being careless with the ones we truly love. Small things matter. The smallest of words could cause the deepest pain or bring the greatest joy.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. – 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Let God Make Your Seeds Grow
I said, “I have worked, but how hopeless it is!
I have used up my strength, but have accomplished nothing.”
Yet I can trust the LORD to defend my cause;
he will reward me for what I do.
-Isaiah 49:4
It is not for me to worry about the fruits or the results of my labor. What I must do is to continue to plant good seeds and perform my part of the job. God will take care of the rest!
How often have we worried so much only to realize that we either couldn’t control the results of the situation or that the thing we worried so much about never really happened?
Pride keeps us from achieving our dreams:
-it keeps us from admitting to ourselves what we really want
-it binds us to the opinion of other people rather than to the truth of our desires
-it keeps us from starting over so we could find a new way to reach our dreams
-it keeps us from learning the things we ought to learn so we could be worthy of our goals
In order to reach our dreams, we must have the humility of a little child who does not fear tripping and stumbling many times before learning how to walk. Let us not let pride get in the way of our true joy! Seek with all honesty what you really want, get all the help you could and never be afraid to start over so you could finally find the right path.
How do you make an important decision in life?
-with honesty
-with love
-with courage
-with wisdom
-with humility
The above list seem short and quick, but it could help us in times when we get so confused trying to consider so many things before making a decision. What are some of the important decisions you’ve made in life? What has become your foundation in making them?