Words of Wisdom

Love Is Always Within Our Reach

love is always within our reach 2012Love is always within our reach. There isn’t a point in time when we can’t find love. There isn’t a place where we can’t be found by love. When God made our souls, He made sure we could always commune with love.

We may be parted with another person, but neither death nor distance could part us away from the love we have for our beloved.

We may be years away from making our dreams come true, but our love for that dream is already present in our hearts.

We may be in grief, yet even grief could never send away comforting hugs and warm hands that care.

We may be in poverty, yet no poverty could block away God’s abundant love being showered upon us night and day.

Love is always with us, within us and around us, guiding us, waiting for us, always ready to abide with us and to fill in us the deepest cries of our hearts.

Words of Wisdom

What Do You Mean by Following Your Passion?

what do you mean by following your passionWhen people talk about following their passion, they talk as though it were the easiest thing to do in the world, as though it were a mere hobby to pursue in your spare time. They talk as if anybody could do it and you’re just being lazy or stubborn when you’re not able to do it as so many others have done before. Is it really that easy to follow your heart? What do you mean by following your passion?

Following Your Freedom

Following your passion is following the way of freedom. It is detaching yourself from your usual routine, even from your comfort zone to seek what you have never sought before.

For many people, passion is still a very remote place and idea. Years of following the dictates of peers and obligation have buried that passion they so long to find. What they need is the freedom to look for it again. For some it means having enough time to explore. For others it means having enough money to study again. We can’t follow our passion unless we’re free enough to do so.

Following Your Greatest Hunger

Following your passion is following your greatest hunger. It is following your greatest pain. What is it that most wounded you? What is it that crushed your heart and brought you to tears? Passion is not mere fondness. It is hunger, a deep hunger that aches. Passionate people are enthusiastic because by pursuing their passion, they are able to fill that hunger, and they are able to comfort their pain.

Following Your Suffering

Following your passion is following the way of suffering. Why? Because passion desires only one thing, it desires your greatest joy, even to the point of suffering! Passion isn’t about compromise. Passion isn’t about trying and then quitting later on if you find a hard time. Passion is knowing the only thing that could ever satisfy you and give you the most joy, and for that thing, you are willing to give up even your own life.

Words of Wisdom

Love Is Not a Goal

love is not a goal 2012There comes a time when we focus on a goal so much that we forget what really prompted us to reach for that goal in the first place.

Why try to achieve that goal? Why work so hard? Why dream at all if not for love?

Love after all, is what often propels us to seek out our goals. But how often have we forgotten it in our pursuit of lesser things?

Hence, when delays and other setbacks happen, our hearts become easily gripped with impatience and fear. Our inspiration turns into desperation. And anxiety soon fills out the void where love once was.

Love after all is not a goal. In that perfect moment where love is, we are satisfied and we pursue not other things just to make us happy. We are already happy, and we seek out only to accomplish other things because we already overflow.

But everytime we focus more on our goals than with our reason behind those goals, love takes a backseat and is easily forgotten.

See how even good things can rival love. Even good works can lead us to much frustration when they don’t yield for us the fruits we want.

When we focus more on such goals and then lose God’s very Presence along the way, we lose the presence of love, and everything soon loses its meaning, even the goals we seek.

How are you feeling today? If stress and anxiety are beginning to take its toll, ask yourself if you’re slowly losing the very presence of love.

Words of Wisdom

Why Do We Need Someone to Love?

why do we need someone to love 2012Why do we need someone to love?

Because it gives us a purpose, a purpose other than our own selves.

Because it gives meaning to everything we do. We need that person for whom we could offer our work, our time, our beauty, our best ideals, our noblest thoughts, our purest intentions.

Because we need someone else to see that we still exist. Without someone else, what could all the Universe mean but empty space?

Because it keeps us from being stuck within ourselves and helps the life we have to flow outwards unto another. Without that other person, we are not prompted to grow, we are not allowed to get out of our own prisons but remain just as we have always been, almost motionless, almost without need to be freed.

Because we want to feel that we matter, and that it makes sense to know that we are still alive, and that it has made a difference that we have ever lived. When we return to dust from which we have come, what proof shall there be that we really have a soul if we have not loved at all?

When the breeze blew from the turret,
as I parted his hair,
it wounded my neck
with its gentle hand,
suspending all my senses.
I abandoned and forgot myself,
laying my face on my Beloved,
all things ceased; I went out from myself,
leaving my cares
forgotten among the lilies. – Dark Night

Words of Wisdom

What is the Meaning of Your Life Right Now?

what is the meaning of your life right now 2012Many times, it isn’t the difficulty we’re experiencing that truly matters, but the meaning we’re able to give to whatever it is we’re going through.

What is the meaning of your life right now?  If you are hurting, what meaning could you possibly give to your sufferings?  If you are joyful, what meaning have you found in your happiness?

It could be that you’ve just lost someone you really loved, and this grief is saying that the meaning of your life right now is called LETTING GO.

It could be that you’ve been hurt so bad by someone who was supposed to protect you, and thus the meaning of your present days could be one of FORGIVENESS.

It could be that you’re pursuing a dream, but its fulfilment seem so far away and the only word you could hold on to right now is PERSEVERANCE.

It could be that you’ve tried everything to solve a problem but every path still seems to be blocked.  If so, the meaning of your life at the moment could be called HOPE.

It could be that you’ve spent your whole life trying to build something, but in one moment a catastrophe happens and destroys everything you’ve ever built.  And thus the meaning of your life could be called STARTING OVER.

It could be that you’re facing problems that seem bigger than everything you’re capable of and for the first time, you’re being led out of your comfort zone.  If so, the meaning of your life could be one of ADVENTURE or of building greater STRENGTH.

It could be that all your life, you’ve always been the one giving and taking care of other people and now you feel tired and drained.  It could be time to ask yourself if time has come for the meaning of your life to change from GIVING to BEING ABLE TO RECEIVE.

It could be that your heart had been broken so many times before, but now a person comes, willing to prove to you that someone can still take care of your heart.  Afraid though you may be, the meaning of your life could now be LEARNING TO TRUST AGAIN.

It could be that you’ve always felt helpless and victimized and time has come when you have decided to claim power over your own life, and thus the meaning of your life now speaks of COURAGE and of FREEDOM.

Things may not always be the way you’ve always wanted them to be, but every experience could teach us something and could lead us into a far better place and a far better time.  What is the meaning of your life right now?  Could it be REFLECTION? Could it be CHANGE? In spite of everything else, may it be one of WISDOM, and may it always be filled with FAITH.