Words of Wisdom

Forgiveness Is Not About Forgetting

forgiveness is not about forgetting 2012

Forgiveness Is Not About Forgetting

Forgiveness is not about forgetting. If you say that forgetfulness is all that you need to forgive, it’s like saying your wounds have healed just because you forgot you had them. Wounds don’t heal by forgetting. On the other hand, we need more awareness and consciousness in order to bring about the healing we desire. Our only fault is that we expect the same one who hurt and wounded us to be the healer of our wounds us well. I’m not saying it isn’t possible. What I’m saying is that forgiveness starts when we stop expecting to be healed by the same person who hurt us. There are many channels that can bring about healing, many people who can help us along the way. And for those wounds that are just too deep and painful, we have a God in heaven who became man like us, to be able to feel our pain, and to lead us from the darkness where we are.

Words of Wisdom

Should You Be Bad When Other People Are Bad?

Should you be bad when other people are bad?  Must the behavior of other people also affect your own behavior?

When we start the journey towards taking off our masks and becoming the person we truly are, we are often confronted with situations that seem to test just that – who we are.

It’s so tempting to be bad in the midst of bad people. To apply tooth for a tooth, and eye for an eye! We think within us that bad people don’t deserve good treatment anyway, why give it to them?

But there came a time when I felt that taking revenge, holding a grudge, and “being bad” in return for the bad things done to me does just that – continue to make me feel bad.

It doesn’t feel good trying to hurt other people, even if those people have hurt you so much already.

I wanted to be released from all the negativities I have imbibed. I just wanted to be healed, and holding a grudge certainly doesn’t help in one’s healing process.

I realized then that the behavior of other people doesn’t necessarily have to affect me, or to change who I am. If I wanted to find healing and strive for happiness, no person should ever be able to hinder me from doing so. No person should have that kind of power over me. It’s a difficult process just to be able to take off your mask and face yourself, don’t let other people dictate the kind of person you should become.

Words of Wisdom

Why There Is War In The World

why is there war in the world 2012


Why There Is War

War exists in this world because we don’t understand each other, and because we believe that our happiness is not connected to the happiness of others around us.  If this is so, can people really be able to bridge such a big gap of understanding by trying hard or trying more?

I believe that people have tried, at times, even to the best they can.  But we, as human beings, though sentient and most aware of all creatures are, are still bound by our limitations, which we cannot break out from on our own.  Laugh as others may, we need a Higher Consciousness to lead us from our blindspots, to help us see what we cannot perceive with our limitations, and to bridge the gap between hearts and souls to the one Truth that will unite us and bind us in perfect unconditional Love.

Words of Wisdom

Which Road Should I Take?

which road will you take 2012

Two roads lie before you.

One leads to a slow, yet certain death, bereft of any meaning.

The other one is filled with much uncertainty.
In it, you may suffer much.
In it, you’d also risk dying, suddenly and painfully,
for the chance of living again
and being able to start a new and meaningful life.

Which road then are you going to take?

The Mask Words of Wisdom

Your Joy Is Your Sorrow Unmasked!

your joy is your sorrow unmasked 2012

Sometimes, you could feel as though all the pain in the world is in your heart. You hurt so much that you couldn’t possibly think of any reason why you have to undergo whatever it is you are undergoing.

But take heart! Here is what Kahlil Gibran said:

“Your joy is your sorrow unmasked. The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain. When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy.”

The pain you have now shall one day give you joy. And more than that, it will also give joy to others because you are being strengthened in such a way as to be a blessing to those around you. You will learn what compassion really is. You will be able to give joy to others because you know how to help them rise above their pain.