Words of Wisdom

Stepping Forward Towards a Whole New World

stepping forward towards a whole new world 2012Blogs have changed a lot since I’ve began reading them some years back. They used to be a lot more similar to personal journals rather than to the more processed and commercial types they have become through the years. My blog has evolved in a similar way. Whereas previously, I have written more personal things and shared many off-topic articles, I now try to concentrate on a certain theme that I thought readers would appreciate more.

Things continue to change, however. My own life is starting to change in many ways as I head towards a totally new world. I’ll be migrating to another country, soon. And my life is going to change in a lot of ways. With these changes, my blog would change too.

I might go back to the more personal tone of writing, since much of my new experiences would be on that level. I know I’d encounter things that I’d like to share with you, things I’d like to share with good friends.

I’m stepping forward to a whole new world, and I hope to bring you along with me as I break out of my comfort zone. Wish me luck! 😉

Words of Wisdom

Why Do Villains Always Laugh?

why do villains always laugh 2012Why Do Villains Always Laugh?

Why is it that villains always seem to laugh in the movies? Is laughter to be associated with evil?
Are evil people happier than good people?

Laughter is supposed to be the best medicine. Laughter is supposed to be a sign of happiness.
Why is it so associated with evil?

On the other hand, good people are often depicted as either serious or weeping.
Should crying be a sign of holiness? Are good people not supposed to have a sense of humor?

I guess what we often see is just a stereotype depiction of villains.

Villains laugh not because they are happy, but because they want to appear happy.
They do not want to be in touch with their innermost feelings, because their feelings
would betray them, it would overwhelm them, if they have any feelings left at all.

Laughter is good. It heals us of many of our troubles. May we not think it’s the sole property
of villains, for true laughter comes from a clean heart, one who has learned how to cry,
and hence knows better how to really really laugh!

Words of Wisdom

Why We Should Not Take Vengeance Using Our Own Hands

why we should not take vengeance using our own hands 2012Why We Should Not Take Vengeance Using Our Own Hands

Taking vengeance is contaminating yourself with the same evil that you so strongly detested in the first place.

When God asked us to forgive those who sinned against us, it is not to withhold justice or to deprive us of the restitution we deserved. It is but to let us leave these matters into His hands, who alone can take vengeance without contaminating Himself with the very evil being punished.

There is a law of justice which we could never escape. Let us trust that God will accomplish this without fail. Vengeance is mine, says the Lord.

Words of Wisdom

It’s Difficult to Be Good, But It Isn’t Easy Being Bad

it's difficult to be good but it isn't easy being bad 2012It’s Difficult to Be Good, But It Isn’t Easy Being Bad

Have you ever felt those times when it felt so difficult to be a good person? You want to scream back at the person who scolded you. You want to hurt the people who hurt you. You want to withhold your forgiveness and understanding. You felt like you just wanted to give up and not think about what’s right anymore. You were really tempted not to be good, but guess what? You didn’t cross over to the other side.

You held your tongue. You controlled your temper. And instead of cursing the one who hurt you, you gave your blessing and your forgiveness. Why did you do it? If it’s so hard to be good, why didn’t you decide to be bad?

Could it be that you were also able to see that being evil is also not as easy as it seems?

By being evil, you can finally unleash all your anger. You can hurt anybody you wish. You could even forget all about self-discipline and control and just surrender to every desire of your flesh. But what’s the catch? And at what cost?

Could it be that you realized even if you were able to do such things, you’d never really be happy? For where is happiness when your heart is filled with anger, or jealousy or greed? Where is happiness when you close your heart and not think about other people’s feelings when you hurt them?

Will you ever really feel good being bad?

The truth is, it’s never really that easy to be bad. It just looked easy because it’s so easy to give in and give up to negative energies and thoughts. But what happens after you give up? When you choose evil, it never really gets any better from there on.

Sometimes, it seems so difficult trying to be a good person. During such times, just remember that it really isn’t easy to be bad as well.

Words of Wisdom

Why Man Does Not Live By Bread Alone

why man does not live by bread alone 2012
Man does not live by bread alone.
I’ve heard this phrase so often that I wasn’t able to grasp the real meaning of it until now.

Why would Jesus say this if this isn’t significant?

God is saying we are not our mere physical bodies that need food for survival. We are not like mere animals. We have a soul, and for that we are constantly searching for something more in order to have a meaningful life!