Words of Wisdom

We’re All Just Yearning To Be Loved

we're all just yearning to be loved 2012

We’re all just yearning to be loved. All our other problems and heartaches result only from the thought of not being loved, or of not being loved enough.

This is how we can recognize God’s children. Some of them may appear to be lost, some even appear to be bad. But if all that they yearn for is love, there is nothing that could hinder God from giving them their joy, for in truth, they are searching only for God.

Words of Wisdom

There Are No Ordinary Journeys

there are no ordinary journeys 2012There are no ordinary journeys,
each one is unique,
each journey EXTRAORDINARY.

No person could ever live
the life that you have.
No one could ever walk
the same way that you walk your life.

So travel on my friend,
lift up your head and smile,
for the path laid down before you
is a road filled with joy and life.

You will meet friends who will give you happiness,
you will meet strangers you will bless,
you will see new wonders before you,
visions you’ve never ever seen.

So say not that you know everything that will happen,
for you know not what lies beyond the bend,
no journey is ordinary my friend,
today may just be the day when the joy of your journey will take your breath away!

Words of Wisdom

What Are You Willing To Sacrifice?

There comes a time in our life’s journey when we need to sacrifice something for the sake of our fellow travelers. It could be our time, our resources, or even our own comfort. We may be called to comfort another person just when we are also going through a difficult time in our life. We may be asked to give something just when we too, have need of help for our own problems. What things are we willing to sacrifice?

When you sacrifice something, do you feel like something has been taken away from you without having anything in return? Do you feel poorer for having given up your wealth? Do you feel more exhausted for giving up your time and effort for another?

Real sacrifice may hurt a lot. But real sacrifice is something that is never forced upon us. We do it out of our own freewill because it is something we desire to do. The greater our love for someone, the greater the sacrifice we are willing to make for them. Why? Because we no longer consider these people as apart from ourselves. We consider them as our own, having truly been an important part of us. Whatever we do for them, we do also for ourselves.

In truth, we never really lose something when we sacrifice for someone. What happens is that we have passed on a gift, a gift we never lose, because it is received by those whom we truly love. In this sense, even dying can be considered as rising up again, for life is never lost. Like a flame, it is but passed on to another torch that will carry on the radiance of its warmth!

Poems Words of Wisdom

Maybe Not Now, But Later On

maybe not now but later on 2012

Maybe not now, but later on
the words you’ve said will be remembered
they will come back,
full of meaning, and of truth.

They shall return
and they shall speak
as though speaking
for the very first time.

Maybe not now, but later on
a heart will be changed,
a grudge will be forgotten,
a hurt will be forgiven.

In that perfect time
when a light shall be cast
to help us understand
what we have failed to fathom before.

Maybe not now, but later on
we all shall walk upon one road
hand in hand
heart to heart
singing together a brand new song.

In that perfect day
when we shall see each other’s face
and be glad that we were friends
in that great journey we called life

In that day, we’ll be looking
at the same sky
and we’ll be dancing with one song
finally seeing
finally hearing
what our hearts have known
all along.

Words of Wisdom

It’s Okay To Cry

it's okay to cry 2012It’s Okay to Cry

It’s Okay to cry

hide not those teary eyes
for they are beautiful
just as they are.

Let pearls of sorrow fall
let them relieve an aching heart.
Let no one judge your pain,
and let none say, it’s not okay to cry.

Rain falls
and clouds do get dark,
yet we fear not the rain
we let it fall
to wash away our pain.

It’s okay to cry,
come lean your head upon my shoulder
come sleep awhile upon my lap.

The darkness is passing,
the night can’t last
and the rain that has pounded strongly
upon the rooftops will stop.

It will give way to a new day
it will yield a beautiful rainbow
full of hope for tomorrow
full of joy for the new day that has arrived.