Poems Words of Wisdom

Look Not On What You Have Lost

look not on what you have lost 2012Look Not On What You Have Lost

For how long must you look back
at the road you’ve travelled
and weep for what you have lost,
for what you can no longer have back?

For how long must you stand
at the crossroads
not moving a single inch
afraid to take the next step forward
because it will lead you away
to the past you’ve been grieving for?

Dear traveler, you are still a pilgrim
and however you may wish to stay
there will always be a time to move on.

Cry and weep for what you will miss,
grieve for the love you’ve found and lost,
yet never let it hinder you from your path
to finish the race you have begun

You are here for a purpose,
and you are only here for a while,
even the burden you have, no matter how heavy it is
will soon be lifted up
never to bother you again.

Think of the many travelers
you still have to meet,
think of those whose burdens you could make lighter,
of those who could hear your song
and the wisdom that you have.

Move forward
Look ahead!
Rise up quickly even if you fall!

Now is your time to rise,
now is your time to face the challenges before you.
Take what you can from your journey,
leave behind what is holding you back.

Look not on what you have lost,
look ahead on joys you have yet to find!

Words of Wisdom

It’s When You Lose Yourself That You Find Happiness

it's when you lose yourself that you find happiness 2012

Remember the last time you were awed by a beautiful scenery?  It could have been a mighty river, a vast desert, or a large expanse of majestic mountains.  Feel it.  How was it like to be there?

Felt like heaven didn’t it? You were so enthralled by the beauty of nature that you forgot all about your worries and concerns about yourself. For just a moment, you were not self-conscious. You didn’t care about your ego or about any of your insecurities. You have lost yourself in the beauty of the moment, and in that moment, you found joy once again.

Think of many other such moments. Like when you heard someone play the violin so beautifully, or when you gazed enraptured at your beloved’s eyes. Think about carrying a newborn baby in your arms and seeing her innocent smile. Weren’t you filled with happiness?

We can be so caught up in trying to improve our looks, our status, and our possessions that we fail to open our eyes on other things and really look. We can be so caught up in ourselves that we fail to hear other people, we fail to see them and to love those whom we see.

Forget your worries for a while. Look. See the beauty around you. Many times, it is when we forget ourselves that we do gain the happiness we’ve been searching all along.

Words of Wisdom

Our Prayers, In Heaven’s Eyes

pride versus grace the difference 2012

As we close our eyes and clasp our hands in prayer, as we lay bear our deepest sorrow and our highest praise, as we move from our anguish and brokenness, and enter the solemnity of God’s Divine Presence, I don’t think we differ ever so greatly. I don’t think we pray ever so differently. Such are our prayers… in heaven’s eyes.

Words of Wisdom

Faith Is a Decision

faith is a decision 2012Faith is a decision.

It is a decision to live your life in such a way as to find meaning in it beyond the material things that the world says you must possess.

It is a decision to believe that there is more to life than meets the eye, and that life extends even beyond death.

It is a decision to be able to have a rock to hold on to even when all around you is chaos, even when people declare in the streets that all is hopeless, and that all is lost.

Faith is a decision to live a beautiful life.

Words of Wisdom

What’s So Cute About a Baby?

what's so cute about a baby 2012

What’s so cute about a baby?

He cries. He wets himself. He has to be constantly fed and taken care of. He needs someone to change his diapers, to bathe, even to burp! So what’s so great about him? Why are we in awe everytime we see one or take care of one?

To continue reading this post, please proceed to EVERYDAY GYAAN BLOG by Corinne. 😉  Thank you for the opportunity to write a guest post at your inspiring blog, Corinne!  Readers, please proceed to Everyday Gyaan today.

Everyday Gyaan