For each man will bear his own burden. – Galatians 6:5, WEB
We were never meant to carry the cross of other people. We were meant to carry only our own. When we become overly responsible for others, we fail to love ourselves enough, and we also fail to love others by not helping them to grow and to be strong.
Let us never forget that no matter how well intentioned we may be, we can only do so much. There are some things we can accomplish, and there are some things we cannot. There are some things we are responsible for, and there are some things that are already the responsibility of other people.
In the end, God is the One who bears the burden of the whole world. Even though our strength is often insufficient, even though we make many mistakes along the way, we can have faith in the God who makes the sun to rise each day and who makes all the stars to shine through the night. Nothing will happen without His consent. Not one hair of yours or mine shall fall without His will.
Do not be overly anxious then as though you were the only one who can do something, as though the world would fall without your care. God honors us by giving each one of us a burden meant for us alone. Let us carry it with love and leave all else to Him who has counted the stars and knows each one by name.
“What I can do, you cannot; what you can do, I cannot. But together we can do something beautiful for God.” – Mother Teresa