Words of Wisdom

Your Own Cross


For each man will bear his own burden. – Galatians 6:5, WEB

We were never meant to carry the cross of other people. We were meant to carry only our own. When we become overly responsible for others, we fail to love ourselves enough, and we also fail to love others by not helping them to grow and to be strong.

Let us never forget that no matter how well intentioned we may be, we can only do so much. There are some things we can accomplish, and there are some things we cannot. There are some things we are responsible for, and there are some things that are already the responsibility of other people.

In the end, God is the One who bears the burden of the whole world. Even though our strength is often insufficient, even though we make many mistakes along the way, we can have faith in the God who makes the sun to rise each day and who makes all the stars to shine through the night. Nothing will happen without His consent. Not one hair of yours or mine shall fall without His will.

Do not be overly anxious then as though you were the only one who can do something, as though the world would fall without your care. God honors us by giving each one of us a burden meant for us alone. Let us carry it with love and leave all else to Him who has counted the stars and knows each one by name.

“What I can do, you cannot; what you can do, I cannot. But together we can do something beautiful for God.” – Mother Teresa

Words of Wisdom

Room For Your Mistakes


I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake; and I will not remember your sins. – Isaiah 43:25, WEBBE

We can get so used to doing our very best that we can feel a bit of suffocation sometimes when we run out of strength and we make mistakes along the way.

We may feel then that the eyes of everyone have suddenly turned towards us, ready to cast a blame, even ready to condemn us just for that one error we never wanted to commit.

Have all our prudence come to nothing? Wasn’t it enough to have tried and given everything we’ve got?

When that time comes, remember that love, if it be true, leaves enough room for understanding and forgiveness also. Love knows how much we’ve tried, and love accepts us both in times when we’re radiant as well as in times when we’re really miserable.

Love has left a room even for your mistakes, even for your sins. Love goes with you not only when you stand, but even when you fall, especially when you fall. It does not laugh. It does not cast a look of sarcasm.

Love instead casts a look of faith and is ready to help you rise again.

Genuine forgiveness is participation, reunion overcoming the powers of estrangement… We cannot love unless we have accepted forgiveness, and the deeper our experience of forgiveness is, the greater is our love. – Paul Tillich

If I, His poor little creature, feel so tenderly towards you when you come back to me, what must pass through Our Lord’s Divine Heart when we return to Him? Far more quickly than I have just done will He blot out our sins from His memory. . . . Nay, He will even love us more tenderly than before we fell. – St. Therese of Lisieux

Poems Words of Wisdom

I Surrender To Love


Keep me as the apple of your eye. Hide me under the shadow of your wings… – Psalm 17, WEB

We can spend our lives trying to please people and trying to deserve their love. We can get used to this way of living and loving that we don’t know how to receive love anymore. Love that pursues us. Love that doesn’t ask anything from us except that we receive it with trust and open arms.

Someone Loves Me Now

I am used to loving
used to giving
used to doing things
for the one I love.

But I have yet to be used
to being loved
to being given everything
by the one who loves me.

How can I ever get used
to receiving so much love?
To being the apple of his eye?

When can I ever get used
to being still, being me,
being happy
even though I know
I do not deserve
all that he is giving me?

But I have to get used to love,
used to his kisses,
used to his warm embrace.

I am not the one
who decides now
how things must happen.
I am not the one
who does everything anymore.

There is someone now
who is there for me,
who sees me,
and who will take care
of all my tomorrows
just as much
as he takes good care of me

Every time you feel hurt, offended, or rejected, you have to dare to say to yourself: ‘These feelings, strong as they may be, are not telling me the truth about myself. The truth, even though I cannot feel it right now, is that I am the chosen child of God, precious in God’s eyes, called the Beloved from all eternity, and held safe in an everlasting belief.”– Henri J.M. Nouwen

Poems Words of Wisdom

I Give You Rest


“To saints, their very slumber is a prayer.” – St. John of the Cross

Sleep Now, My Child

Sleep now my child,
day has passed
and night has come,
come and rest upon my arms.

You have done much,
you gave it your all,
and now it’s time
to walk your way home.

Weep not for your falls
or for things left undone,
Worry not for tomorrow
for it is yet to come.

You have done all you could,
you have done your very best,
It is enough that you trust me,
and I will do the rest.

You are my child,
whether you work or you slumber
I gaze at you and I smile
just because of what you are.

You are mine, all mine
I have borne you in love
and in love I draw you closer
even as you rest upon my arms.

It is vain for you to rise up early,
to stay up late,
eating the bread of toil,
for he gives sleep to his loved ones.
-Psalm 127, WEBBE

Words of Wisdom

Humility in Love


If therefore there is any exhortation in Christ, if any consolation of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any tender mercies and compassion, make my joy full by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind; doing nothing through rivalry or through conceit, but in humility, each counting others better than himself… – Philippians 2, WEBBE

It is never those who boast that draws our hearts. It is never those who are proud.

But we are drawn to those who never think too highly of themselves. Those who can always seem to think of something good in others around them.

It is not lack of confidence. It isn’t low self-esteem.

But it is in a soul that doesn’t even need to lift oneself up or to gain the regard of others. It is in that kind of confidence that doesn’t even need to think of oneself too often or too much.

Instead of focusing on themselves, they are intent on finding the good in others, too. They are keen to see their beauty.

They are those who are not afraid to praise other men, those who are not afraid to admit that someone can be better in this or that skill, or in this or that virtue.

Love occupies their hearts so much that there isn’t room for that kind of fear. What’s present is much room for thanksgiving and appreciation, and much room indeed for trust in God from whom all good things come from.

Here is your harvest. To believe oneself imperfect and others perfect – this is true happiness. Should earthly creatures think you devoid of holiness, they rob you of nothing, and you are none the poorer: it is they who lose. For is there anything more sweet than the inward joy of thinking well of our neighbor? – St. Therese of Lisieux