I took some lessons and I’ve learned
that grief is something
you do all over again
like walking the path you once walked together,
or eating that pie that made him smile.
Grief is waking up each day,
and missing him all over again,
remembering when
you had him by your side.
It is sleeping at night
and trying not to cry
but then end up sleeping
with tears in your eyes.
Grief is going back to that very time,
when I could have said goodbye
but did not mind.
It’s wondering how anything
could have changed
if only I begged him
to kiss me goodnight.
They say time will heal
and the heart will mend,
but I have learned from my lessons
that grief is love that never ends.
You may try to move on
and you may try to forget,
but grief is something you do
all over again.
Jocelyn Soriano writes about relationships and the Catholic faith at Single Catholic Writer. She wrote the books In Your Hour of Grief and Of Waves and Butterflies: Poems on Grief.
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