Have you ever had those days when you felt as though something was missing but you just couldn’t figure out what it was?
It’s as though there’s a certain emptiness inside of you, something almost similar to pain, but you can’t even pinpoint where it’s coming from.
So you shrug it off and start your day. You grab your coffee to perk you up and you go to work.
Along the way, you see people also going along with their lives. Some look cheerful and happily talking to someone on their mobile phones. Others look almost angry. It’s as though they already carry the burden of the whole world that early in the day.
But there are some whose eyes look quite familiar.
No, it’s not that you knew them personally. But somehow, you pick up a similar vibe from them. It’s almost as if you can understand each other telepathically.
“I know how you feel. But we both don’t have the words to say what we’re going through.”
Of all creatures, human beings are unique.
This is because it isn’t enough for us to simply survive. Even if we can have the assurance that all our physical needs will be provided for, that would never guarantee our well-being.
We don’t become satisfied merely with material things. We also have to be satisfied within.
The problem is that most of us are not aware of these needs.
Society tells us how strong we should be, and how we shouldn’t pay attention to any negative thoughts.
Thoughts? But we hardly have any.
All we have are ideas spinning around our heads, ready to come out every time we need them for “work”.
Work. Work. And only more work!
And then we go home and sleep like robots.
When we wake up the next day, we live like zombies all over again.
Why do we live like zombies?
Why are we so afraid to cry?
Perhaps if we allowed ourselves to cry more, we could have known which parts of us bled terribly within. We could have identified the emptiness inside.
But I guess we’re more afraid to live like wounded people than walk like mindless zombies all day.
We’re afraid that if we knew, we may not be able to walk at all. We’d cry all day in bed, finally knowing what made us so empty. Finally acknowledging that we are mere human beings with very vital emotional needs.
What is it that seems to be missing in your life today?
What is causing you the most pain?
I challenge you to make this day count by facing the mirror and discovering who you are. Take off the mask that separates your image from your true self.
Your soul is aching. And you need to find out why if you want to find healing.