There is morning and there is evening,
yet there is only time;
there is toil and there is rest,
yet there is only life
there is sorrow and there is happiness,
yet there is only beauty;
there is pain and there is laughter
yet there is only peace
there is body and there is spirit
yet there is only man
there is holding on and there is letting go
yet there is only lovewhat seasons come
and what seasons go
shall we take one and not the other
or shall we know both
and shall we know them true
to know that there is but one good
that makes up everything
God has created
Tell me now my friend, how many times have we deserted the more important things because we were not willing to embrace the crosses that comes along with our glory? How many times have we preferred to abandon life because of its sorrows, love because of its pains. It is no womder then that we often find ourselves left with nothing, without joy, without peace, and without the beauty that comes along with the pureness of our tears.
In the past I knew only what others had told me, but now I have seen you with my own eyes.- Job 42:5 TEV