I saw that boy yet again
sitting by the stairs near the street
his little hand raised infront of me
his clothes tattered
his feet with no slippers
his future bleak and beyond my reach
What can I do for you dear boy?
I cannot give you work with which to eat
Neither can I send you to school
for my pay is just enough to meet my needs
What can I do for you dear boy?
Can I give you a kiss and a hug
Can I make you feel someone noticed you
and that someone prays you find your way?
What would you rather that I do?
What would I prefer I do for you?
No, today I have no bread
No, today I care for you more to give you a few coins of mine
I am so sorry little boy
for today I plan to give you dignity
and things like that can’t even buy you
a single piece of bread

One reply on “A beggar’s plea”
See maybe I cant spell to good or know some big words like u but I know that little boy is u :*( (((((HUGS))))))) ya like my edu ma cation 🙂