My friend and I went to the Manila Ocean Park and enjoyed a relaxing afternoon. It was so nice just having a cup of coffee while chatting and having a good view of the sea.
We’ve talked about good things, dreams, envisioned the kind of life we’d like to have.
And while we’re there, we really felt it as though all those visions were already true. Dreams were not mere dreams, but visions of a reality just within our reach and are sure to happen very soon.
I’d like to hold on to that vision I had, to that same inspiring and uplifting feeling. I’d like to take a record of it, like a picture I can go back to whenever I wish to, so I can regain my focus and remember the purposes close to my heart.
We need more of those feelings, a register of it, more than the ordinary journal we write daily, merely describing or listing that activities we had during the day.
In an ordinary journal, I might just write an entry like this:
“Went to the Manila Ocean Park. Bought souvenirs. Had capuccino at Starbucks with my friend.”
And that’s it. Now what importance would that note give to me if not accompanied by the “good feeling” I’ve had? That feeling that is almost like a prayer, a prophecy of the wonderful things soon to come?
Let us make more journals like that, a register of good feelings that can give us light when our days become too predictable and grey.