Today is the day I have decided to part with my beloved cup of coffee. I almost couldn’t believe it myself! 🙁 Coffee has served me well in the past, kept me cozy in rainy days, given me a boost in my thinking and helped me in moments I desired inspiration so I can write. Sad to say, even the most beautiful things must come to an end at times to give way to more beautiful things.
- I am looking forward to days where I won’t need to depend on it anymore just so I could think well.
- I am looking forward to early mornings I can rise early and easily, revitalized and without a bit of drowsiness that would require me to drink cup after cup of java from day to day.
- I am looking forward to deep slumber and vivid dreams when caffeine would no longer interfere me in my sleep.
- I am looking forward to gaining balance and wholeness, of more stable moods and less outbursts of temper.
- I am looking forward to more calcium being absorbed by my body.
- I am looking forward to less heart palpitations and more deep breaths.
- I am looking forward to more body fluids and lesser allergy attacks.
- I am looking forward to less bodily temperature inconveniences as coffee makes my body hotter in an already tropical country I’m living in.
Thank you coffee for everything! Wish me luck as I find a better way 🙂