Have you ever looked unto the eyes of true sorrow, the kind that is free of any bitterness or regret, the kind whose tears are so pure it cleanses your soul? If you’d have looked carefully, you must have seen the resemblance, how the eyes of sorrow so closely resemble the eyes of purest joy. How they both touch us and move us to be our better selves; and how they both give meaning to the life we’re living in today.Why are we so afraid then of sorrow? Why pretend you’re happy when what you really wanted to do is cry? There is more to life than laugher. There is more to life than the absence of difficulties that try our spirit. For trials give unto us a gift, which comfort can never bequeath upon us. And above all laughter are tears that tell us our souls have just been sanctified.
In truth, the most beautiful moments in our lives are the moments when both joy and sorrow dwell upon our hearts, embracing us, moving us, creating a tapestry of holiness and love, forever enriching us and blessing us through the mystery and power of our tears.