When people speak about love, they often speak about romantic love. They speak as though it’s the only love there is.
People write poems about this type of love. People watch movies showing how powerful this love can be.
But what we often fail to see is that romantic love is not everything. It could be the beginning, but it is certainly not the end.
When we stay in this type of love, we remain trapped in a kind of love that depends solely upon our emotions.
Are we surprised then if this is that love that often breaks our hearts in two?
Here’s a list of things that differentiate romantic love from true love:
Romantic love may fade, true love stays.
Romantic love may become selfish, true love is selfless.
Romantic love falls often into illusion, true love is brave enough to stand with the truth.
Romantic love can deceive you, true love bears a sincere and open heart.
Romantic love can imprison you, true love sets you free.
Romantic love can make you blind, true love allows you to see.
Romantic love can prey on your weakness, true love makes you strong.
Romantic love may talk, true love listens.
Romantic love may take, true love gives away.
Romantic love may send you worries, true love gives you peace.
Romantic love can break your heart, true love heals and makes you whole.
Romantic love may offer only temporary happiness, true love gives you lasting joy.
What else could be greater than romantic love? True love.