For how long can you be happy in this life?
For how long can positive thoughts sustain you?
Will you be able to escape the aging years ahead?
Will you be able to escape your death?
Will you be able to escape the death of those around you
and bear the pain of their passing away?
Will you not grieve when your loved one passes away?
Will you not miss them?
Where shall you find your comfort in the end?
Shall you find it in the thought that they are not really gone,
but shall take on new personalities someday, somewhere, in another lifetime?
Personalities that knew you not
Personalities that have not your memory
nor the remembrance of your love
Shall you find comfort that they might go unto the Absolute
somewhere where all shall finally be merged as one,
energies pulsating, being absorbed unto the whole,
mere energies that sink and rise without end
without form
without persons you’ve wanted to love and to be with forever
No, you shall not.
You cannot
and even if you say you can,
you would have lost this one thing:
You would have lost
what true love
really means