Some people talk about letting go as though it were a very easy thing to do.
People talk as though letting go is only about letting the bad things go and moving happily on from there. But the truth is that when you let go, you must also accept losing all the good things you’ve been holding on to.
To let go, you must separate yourself from something that has been a very important part of you.
Many times, it means a catastrophic shattering of your connection to almost everything it has touched in your life.
When you let go, you suffer a kind of fall that makes you not only sad but very much afraid. It’s a feeling of being lost, of suffocating in darkness, of being so empty you feel like you don’t know yourself anymore.
And that is why it’s called a broken heart.
Because something has broken within you, in the very core of who you are. In a way, you let go of yourself. You risk losing who you’ve been so you can find yourself again. You risk being shattered so you can be healed, so you can be whole again.
Not in the way you were before, but into another kind of person, a new person. A person with scars and tears, and yes, a person with new-found strength and wisdom, too.
As you let go of everything, good and bad, you become open to starting anew. You open yourself into receiving what you’ve always needed and you grow.
Gradually, you pick up the new pieces of your life as you gain a new heart and a new pair of eyes. Eyes that can finally see all the things you failed to see. Eyes that can dream again and hope again. It may not be easy, but you begin and you trust that if you can endure being broken, you’d eventually find your way to peace.