The Inspirer's Wisdom

One Broken Heart to Heal


The Visionary had another troubling vision. In his dream he saw multitudes of people suffering from a terrible sickness. They cry night and day and plead for help.

Immediately, the Visionary went to the Inspirer and alerted her of his visions. To his surprise however, the Inspirer continued to attend to a woman kneeling at her feet.

Can’t this wait?” the Visionary snapped. “We have a lot of things to do.”

But can’t you see? This woman’s heart had just been broken!” the Inspirer exclaimed.

That’s just one heart!” the Visionary protested. “More people will suffer if we do not hurry.”

That is where you are wrong,” the Inspirer replied. “All evil starts when we begin to ignore one heart. The moment you become comfortable watching a single soul die, you’d have set yourself numb to all other sufferings around you. Before long, you wouldn’t even care if a whole multitude becomes stricken with death as multitudes of people consist only of individual souls. I am not here to save many. I am here to save all by saving one broken soul, one God-given soul at a time.”

Words of Wisdom

Keep the Vision of Your Home Before You


Keep the vision of your home always fresh upon
your memory. Do not forget who you are, where
you came from, and what you have set forth to
accomplish. Otherwise, the people around you, who
do not know of it may convince you that the
darkness you see is all that’s ever existed.

Words of Wisdom

Enough is enough, You DECIDE!

enough is enough you decide

There comes a time when you feel so awful and everything just seems to be going wrong that you just DECIDE you won’t get affected by it all anymore.

You decide that you want to finally feel good and that even if it’s chaotic all around, there will be an end to all of it.

You decide to hold on to your hope, and to stay positive.

You decide to pray, and you decide to believe that someone hears your prayers.

When you decide such things, it is then that you discover the BLESSINGS and the POWER that has been with you all along!

How about you? When was the last time you felt like enough is enough?! When was the last time you decided to feel what you want to feel instead of feeling like a victim of circumstances or of other people’s whims?

When you finally exercise your powers, you decide that you do not have to play the victim anymore. It is not your boss who will decide for you, not the man who broke your heart, not the economy that stole away your job. You have the freedom and the capability. You decide!

The Inspirer's Wisdom

The Inspirer Lives in Two Worlds


The Inspirer lives in two different worlds at the same time. It is she alone who can transcend heaven, bringing glimpses of an unseen Paradise to people thirsting for joy and beauty here on earth.

It is not an easy thing to live in both worlds. One is often tempted to leave earth in favor of heaven. The temptation is strongest at times when it is darkest and clouds seem to obscure the Light coming from above.

But the Inspirer remembers the gleam in the eyes of those who heard of her visions. She cannot think only of her own happiness for there are many travelers who need to be reminded of their destination.

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Words of Wisdom

The Best Thing About Being Single


The best thing about being single is not about being free to have a nightlife, or to go wherever you wanted to go. It is not the absence of obligations or the absence of so many kinds of expenditures like the rising cost of tuition. It is not even about not having someone to argue with and to sacrifice your wants to.

The best thing about being single is this – to be always available to love whomever heaven sends your way to love and take care of. Being free to love fully, unconditionally and with no strings attached whatsoever – this is your most precious gift.