Best Life Quotes

Inspirational Quote 03.04.09


Be optimistic, but be courageous enough to stand up to your optimism when the tides seem to rise up against you. –


Hear Me Sing!

Mic on Boom Arm
Image by ralphbijker via Flickr

Wanna  hear me sing! 🙂 I mean, actually sing?

This is no joke, though I hope you don’t laugh as much after you hear this.

Just a special gift for all my viewers and visitors, you can hear me sing a song.  Just CLICK HERE

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Career and Money

When Do I Sell My Stocks?


The value of my investment has gone down, many others have also suffered losses of their own.  Yet is this really the right time to pull out one’s investment?  We often hear it.  Pull out your investment NOW.  The economy isn’t getting better.

But while there is a lot of sense considering the safety of one’s investment, we can also consider other courses of action as regards the stocks or bonds we hold.  Is it time to pull out our investments?

While quite a bit of time and research goes into selecting stocks, it is often hard to know when to pull out – especially for first time investors. The good news is that if you have chosen your stocks carefully, you won’t need to pull out for a very long time, such as when you are ready to retire. But there are specific instances when you will need to sell your stocks before you have reached your financial goals.

You may think that the time to sell is when the stock value is about to drop – and you may even be advised by your broker to do this. But this isn’t necessarily the right course of action.

Stocks go up and down all the time, depending on the economy…and of course the economy depends on the stock market as well. This is why it is so hard to determine whether you should sell your stock or not. Stocks go down, but they also tend to go back up.

You have to do more research, and you have to keep up with the stability of the companies that you invest in. Changes in corporations have a profound impact on the value of the stock. For instance, a new CEO can affect the value of stock. A plummet in the industry can affect a stock. Many things – all combined – affect the value of stock. But there are really only three good reasons to sell a stock.

The first reason is having reached your financial goals. Once you’ve reached retirement, you may wish to sell your stocks and put your money in safer financial vehicles, such as a savings account.

This is a common practice for those who have invested for the purpose of financing their retirement. The second reason to sell a stock is if there are major changes in the business you are investing in that cause, or will cause, the value of the stock to drop, with little or no possibility of the value rising again. Ideally, you would sell your stock in this situation before the value starts to drop.

If the value of the stock spikes, this is the third reason you may want to sell. If your stock is valued at $100 per share today, but drastically rises to $200 per share next week, it is a great time to sell – especially if the outlook is that the value will drop back down to $100 per share soon. You would sell when the stock was worth $200 per share.

As a beginner, you definitely want to consult with a broker or a financial advisor before buying or selling stocks. They will work with you to help you make the right decisions to reach your financial goals.

The above are mere opinions for your own evaluation.  There are real risks involved and you should learn to be wise enough to protect your money.  Keep watch.  Study hard.  It could make a lot of difference 🙂

Best Life Quotes

Inspirational Quote – 02.27.09

courageous quote

Live not as though you were afraid, but as though you were courageous, and able to do everything you wanted to do. –



Not Always Pleasant! Hmp



I’m not the kind of person who is always pleasant, smiling, ever friendly and saintly with a halo on her head.  Nope, if you’re looking for someone like that, you’re not talking to the right person. 


That doesn’t mean that I’m bad, that I don’t smile and that I couldn’t be warm.  I am warm and sympathetic most of the time, and I have a good smile that could really brighten up your day.  But what I’m saying is that I’m not always like that.  There are times when I get upset, when I cry, when I get frustrated and sick and angry for things I couldn’t understand.


Times like that come, times such as today.  Today is not my day, I feel terrible, even miserable that I wanted to go home and just hide inside my cave.  I don’t know, I must have exhausted my energy.  I must have had too much.  I need to rest and get recharged.  I just need to vent out all of these negative energies. 


There are certain things we don’t want, things we detest, and I guess there’s nothing wrong with acknowledging our feelings about them.  Whenever we recognize the things we don’t want, we get a clearer vision of the things we truly want in our life.  In a certain way, we let go of the façade of being happy where we are not happy. 


I’m sorry to those who expect an inspirational post for today, but sometimes, I just want to be truthful rather than play the saint that I am not.  Thanks for dropping by.  There will be a better day.