Best Life Quotes

Bright Light in the Night

My head is bloody.

My body is full of sores.

My soul is aching with pain.

I have lost my courage.

I have lost my strength.

The enemy is about to cut my head off

and end it all.

I was resigned to my dreadful fate.


But then I saw a light

piercing thru the face of the night

and alas!

I was awakened from my madness.


In the blink of an eye

I held my shield

and got my sword,

struck the enemy

and raised my head

towards the light!

bright light in the night


Awakening Our Desires

Sometimes our needs are really quite simple. Deep within us, our desires truly speak of something good. We just don’t hear them often, maybe because of fear, or our willingness to face whatever difficulties we need to face in order to reach them.


They need to be awakened however, so we can live full and meaningful lives. We need to hear what it is we truly, deeply, and sincerely desire.


A Beacon of Light in the Darkness

A Beacon of Light in the Darkness


Times are hard they say, the financial crisis is getting worse. People are anxious, everybody’s thinking for himself. Where do we go from here? Where do we find the light?


When all else is darkness, remember-


There is a place where darkness cannot prevail

there is a path where sunshine blesses still

where flowers grow in abundance

and the air is sweet.


Ten thousand may fall at your left

a hundred at your right,

yet you will not fall

if only you can believe.


Yea, there is a beacon of light

deep inside you

in that sacred space

which God Himself reserved

as His temple

as His sanctuary

and as your refuge amidst the storm


There is a beacon of light

that guides you still

even in the darkest night

even amidst the fiercest storm


Peace is yours

Joy is yours

if only in the moment

that you pray


Nothing touches you

that can harm your soul

or your heart

or your faith

or your song


The most sacred things are protected


in that beacon of light

that shines through

beyond all time and space.


Is a Partner Cure for Loneliness?

Is a Partner the Cure for My Loneliness?

I have come to realize that God loves me so much, so much that however He may have wanted to, He did not give in to my desires.

I know now why He has deprived me of my desires for a partner in life then. It’s because of the fact that I have always believed this to be the cure to my loneliness.

But God knows better! He knew that the heart of the problem was not my lack of partner, but my “heart” itself. He wanted me to experience real joy – joy in Him, joy in all circumstances that I may be truly free! It is by His Spirit that I shall possess power, and by His Spirit, my joy shall be complete!


Why Get Jealous?

Why get jealous?

Have you ever opened your gifts at the same time during Christmas? Have you ever felt happy with the gifts you received until such time you found out you like what the others received more? I had those times, not only during Christmas, but in the course of life when I compared God’s gifts to me with those He gave to other people.

One Christmas however, in our traditional family get together, nobody got jealous. Everyone received the kind of gift that made them feel loved, special. It was then that I realized why we often don’t have the same gifts that other people have. It’s because we are special, and each is given a special gift that is theirs and theirs alone. Oh, if only we have eyes to see those gifts as God sees them, we’d know how great those gifts are, and we’d never exchange them for something else!