Divine Mercy

Can Man Save Himself?


If man can help himself
he would have helped himself
a long time ago

but man is trapped
in a duality
that is so easily imbalanced on one side
which is that of darkness

how so you may say
how was a conclusion
leaning on to the negative
arrived at
in a world of duality
where both light and darkness
should have had an equal pull on all things?

If it is not in truth
leaning towards the negative,
why then the corruption
that follows all things born of the flesh?
why is death the fate
of all men after his birth?

Children are born with infirmities
and sickness follows man
all the days of his life
til the grave

It’s as though there is but an appointed time
given him
to live
to choose
to be redeemed

Before a final destiny is reached

A destiny that has only been delayed
so he can be lifted up
so he can avoid the complete fall
where he has been heading to all along…

‘However greatly the soul itself labours, it cannot actively purify itself so as to be in the least degree
prepared for the Divine union of perfection of love, if God takes not its hand and purges it not in that dark fire.
-St.John of the Cross


Psalm of a Wounded Soul


O wounded soul
who can understand thee
if not the God
who created thee?

Who can bear with thy sorrow
and who can fathom thy tears
who can plunge into your darkness
and bring some light therein
where light has been forgotten
where warmth is nowhere
and no sympathy is afforded thee

Yea I shall cry out to my God
who knows me
and who will always be with me

Yea even in the darkness
I am not alone
for Thou has remembered me
and Thou has saved me
when I knew not even
that I can be saved

This psalm was written by Jocelyn Soriano for  You are free to republish this as long as the original author is acknowledged and a link back to the website is provided.


Salvation (poem)


God was there
from the very beginning
but I knew Him not
and I turned away

I looked at the world
and beheld its splendor
til that same splendor
snatched me
and I was thrown
amidst its cold brightness
and I yearned for the warmth of home

In despair I wept
and I cried out to my God:
Rescue me for I desire not these things
and I will have none of this beauty
if only to be back in your arms

And my God heard me
and ran to me
and snatched me away from the world
and took me even
within His heart

Therein only
did I find joy
and peace
and LOVE

Words of Wisdom

Is Happiness a Choice?

Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

Is happiness a choice? Is it a mere decision we can make at every point in life? Can we always say that the glass of water is half full instead of being half empty? Can it be made full by believing that it is full when it is really not?

What shall we say to the beggar who has not eaten in days?
What shall we say to orphans who have just lost their parents to war?
What shall we say to those who were falsely judged and imprisoned?
What shall we say to the unloved, to those who never even knew what it’s like to have a friend?

Is it easy to decide to be happy? Is it even possible to find peace when a hurricane looms over you, ready to tear you apart?

I am not saying that it isn’t possible;
I am not saying that we cannot.

Yet say not so easily that happiness is a choice
and that at any point in time, we can choose to be happy.

Say instead that we can choose to approach God Most High
and that we can enter His sanctuary.
Say that we can surrender there
and let go of our tears.
Say that we can ask for Grace, for Strength, and for Healing.

For this we have a choice
and with this we can have Hope.

Finally my friend, we can hold on to that Hope
and believe that we can find
what it is we’re looking for.

This article was written by Jocelyn Soriano at

You may republish or e-mail this article as long as the original author above is cited and a link back to the website is provided. If you wish to receive free stuff and unlimited blog ideas on self improvement and spirituality such as this one, visit

life after death

A Vision of Light, Darkness and Eternal Damnation

What do you see?

I see the Primeval Light, which is LOVE, encompassing the world, sustaining everything in it, offering Absolute Joy and Peace to all who will open up their hearts for Him.

How about darkness? Whence did it come from? Was it from the Light?

Light has nothing to do with darkness. Even in the beginning, light was separated from the darkness. Darkness is not created, only Light is, yet many choose to remain in darkness rather than be made part of the Light.

Why is there so much darkness in the world?

Light has come unto the world, but the world refused Him and chose to remain in Darkness. Nevertheless, the Light did not abandon the world, but provided a Flame that will seek out all who desire to come out of the darkness that they may be a part of the Light in the appointed time, when a separation of the Light from the Darkness shall be made once again.

When shall this separation commence?

The Time shall come like a thief in the night.

And what of this thief? How shall he separate the Light from the Darkness?

Those who have set themselves apart for the Light at the time appointed them shall be duly harvested, no one can snatch them away from their Lover.

And what of those who have not known their Love?

Their Lover awaits them, even unto the beyond. He will make known unto them that which had been concealed by the Darkness. He will wipe away the tears from their eyes and He will vanquish all their fears.

Does it mean then that all shall be saved?

Salvation is for all as Light is for all. Yet even in the beyond not all men look towards the Light. In stubbornness, men persist in their darkness and hide from the very One, the Only One who can bring True Light into the darkness of their hearts where they are.

This article was written by Jocelyn Soriano at  You are free to republish this article as long as the author and the site  are duly acknowledged.