A new day shall come again,
A new day of hope,
And of peace.
A day when dreams can be built again,
A day when love can blossom once more,
A day when we’d see what’s in store,
For those who do not give up.
So even when you can’t see yet,
That small light over the horizon,
Even when it’s still cold and it’s still dark,
Keep your hopes up,
And look for that brand new day.
It will definitely come.
It shall not abandon you,
To your worst fears,
But shall give you healing,
And make you soar,
On eagle’s wings.

2 replies on “A New Day Shall Come Again”
Jocelyn, I love this. Yes, we have to look to Jesus and have hope – not despair. Thanks for linking. I hope to continue with this at least once a month.
Thank you very much, Janis. I’m so glad to find you here. God bless you and your endeavours.