For the single and loveless one,
for the one who walks alone;
For the one who seeks and cannot find,
for the one who cannot make it home.
For the one who aches for true love’s kiss,
for the one who sleeps in the cold;
For the one whose pain cannot be healed,
for the one whose tears you dare not hold.
For the one who bleeds like rain,
for the one whose heart is in pain;
For the one whose touch is repulsed,
for the one whose feet are scarred.
Take heart and see the path you’ve walked,
Rewind the days that made you strong.
Look up and find the sky has cleared,
as birds surround you with their song.
Your wounded heart has been enlarged,
and now greater love can find its way.
Your deepest sorrows shall be your joy,
as your darkest nights shall turn to day!