To LOVE is the most beautiful thing we could ever do,
The most beautiful that could ever be done for us…
Yet to love in this life, we must look beyond the crooked,
the dirty and the unpalatable.
To be able to LOVE, one must love in places
Where comfort is rare, and where pain is deep,
One must love where the storm is fiercest,
And where the light is faint.
For it is not mere excitement that defines love,
It is not a fleeting adventure,
Nor a grand but fading song…
Love is that which is strong enough
To survive the harshest winter
And the monotony of daily life…
Love is beyond skin, beyond sickness,
beyond frailty, beyond death…
Love is the only thing that remains
after all the darkness fades away,
For Love is light beyond measure and life without end,
Love is God,
And God is the most beautiful of all!

One reply on “To Love is Beautiful”
Hi Joyce, I just want to say God Bless You And I cherish your little pieces of love and inspiration as you say it is a rare and beautiful thing ” LOVE ” & I thank God for yours God Bless and know you are in my prayers. Have a lovely day kind regards Tim D. :>)