Love is a personal thing.
It wouldn’t be love
If He couldn’t even
Look at you
As though
You’re the only person
He sees.
Do you not feel
The warmth of His gaze?
He calls you by name.
And you know Him, too.
You respond
To the sound of His voice.
It’s a personal thing,
More intimate than
Two lovers mem’rising
Each other’s face.
More passionate
Than two hands
Clasped together,
Never intending
to let each other go.
To Him,
You’re not a mere number,
You’re not just a faceless crowd.
Even behind a mask,
He knows you.
Did He not form you
In your mother’s womb?
Do you not see your name
Inscribed upon His hands?
Even a mother may forget,
But He will remember you.
For you He will leave
The rest behind
Just so you could be found
You are not forgotten,
You are not alone.
You are seen,
You are pursued.
His love is as personal
As each unique shell
Upon the shore
He loves you faithfully
And amazingly
For the person
That you truly are.