When I think of you, I can’t help but think
That perhaps I’ve known you ever since…
What else could explain that part
That whispers such longings in my heart?
When I think of you, I can’t help but think
That I’ve known you for a long time.
A time long enough to laugh, to dream, to cry,
Long enough to part and say goodbye.
What I feel for you is something more
Than the short time we have been together,
Who you are to me is something more
Than the short days since we have met.
But who am I to question what love is all about?
Or to assume whether things can or cannot be?
Perhaps it was not from another life,
Or another dream where there was you and me.
Perhaps it is this life alone
This life that throbs so much with love,
And what I’ve felt is part of that wondrous thread
That connects “what is” to “what is yet to come.”
Eternity speaks for you and me,
Where there is no wall between the years,
I have just met you now, but “we have always been”
And forever we shall be just like we are now.