It came over me again,
this sudden sadness,
sweeping like a wave,
covering me,
drowning me,
throwing me again
into a grief
I couldn’t fight
nor overcome.
It came over me again,
just when I thought
I was already moving on,
carrying on,
rising from the depths
that have swallowed
me whole.
What do I do when they come?
Should I run or should I hide?
Should I lock my tears inside
where they could never fall?
Ah, but I have learned
there’s nothing I could do,
but surrender to the tides
that take me back to you.
And when the waves
have come and gone
they let me go when they are done,
Washed ashore, I carry on
To bask again under the sun.
The above poem is included in Jocelyn Soriano’s book for those who grieve the loss of a loved one “Of Waves and Butterflies: Poems on Grief”. Get it from Amazon today—click here.