Stillness doesn’t mean that your problems are already solved
and that you have nothing more to worry about.
Stillness doesn’t mean that you are already content
with everything that you have.
Stillness doesn’t mean that you have no regrets.
It doesn’t mean you no longer have questions
hanging at the back of your mind.
Stillness on the other hand, is that point
where you take a deep breath
to pause for a while,
and to find some rest,
amidst your days of toil.
Stillness is recognizing that you have your problems,
but worrying about them now
will do no further good.
Stillness is hoping to find your hopes again,
and to find answers
beyond those that didn’t work.
Stillness is opening up one’s heart
to find that deep silence within,
in that secure place
untouched by raging storms.
Stillness is a plea for help.
It is a hand surrendered in prayer.
Stillness is an invitation for mercy
so that one may find its way to peace.