Have you ever felt those times when what you’re doing never seems to be enough? You did all you could; you did your very best! Still, you see no results for your labor. You’ve worked night and day yet you cannot see any reward for your effort. The poem below was inspired by this thought. I hope that somehow, even when it gets really difficult, we still find hope to carry on.
It Was Enough
I’d like you to know
That what you did was enough.
It may not seem so,
It may not feel so,
But with all the love you’ve got,
What you did was enough.
I’d like you to know
That someone saw
That someone heard…
Someone stood by you as you toiled
And though you may not think so
What you did was enough.
Cast away your regrets;
Try to forgive and forget.
You have done what you could;
You have done your very best.
Here I am thanks to you;
Here I am, and now I tell you:
You need not go on hurting
You need not go on weeping.
Someone up there
Has heard your prayer,
And for all the love you’ve got
What you did had been enough.
But I said, “I have laboured in vain.
I have spent my strength in vain for nothing;
yet surely the justice due to me is with the LORD,
and my reward with my God.”
-Isaiah 49:4, WEB-BE