Father God, the sisters tell me you are our Father and we can pray to you. They say that you are always there to listen and that you love us so much. Father, I really don’t know what its like to have a father. I don’t know what its like to have a mother too.
But watching television, I can see how fathers take good care of their children, how they embrace them, how they enjoy playing with them. The other day I also saw that a child also runs to his father when bad kids try to bully him. The father sent the bad kids away and the child was carried safely in his arms. Maybe it would be wonderful if I can have a father who can carry me like that in his arms. I would be able to see more things. I would be taller than the other kids! I would surely feel safe and very special being carried off like that.
The nuns here are kind, but they don’t carry me like that and their shoulders are not as broad. That’s why I’m asking you Lord, can you give me my own father here on earth? Can I have someone who will love me and carry me in his strong shoulders? I don’t want toys anymore Lord.
I just want a father. And a mother too. The sisters say that tomorrow, a father and a mother will visit here to pick out one of us to be their own child. I pray Lord that they would pick me though I’m afraid I might not be the one they will choose. I hear they want a handsome kid or one who’s really talented. I’m not so handsome Lord and I don’t even know how to sing. But I can embrace them like the kids I saw on TV. I can help in cleaning their house. I can kiss them when they arrive home from work and then I would bring their slippers.
Won’t you grant my prayers O God? Will you help me? I believe that you are a Good Father as the sisters told me and I really thank you for hearing me out. Maybe I should sleep now so I won’t be so sleepy when my father and mother picks me up tomorrow.

2 replies on “Prayer of an Orphan”
I am writing a book. may i a be permitted to use this in it…….its really
@Raisa – You have my permission, Raisa. Just include my name as the author (Jocelyn Soriano) and the website http://www.itakeoffthemask.com