Intimacy makes us vulnerable and can open up many of our wounds, prompting us to address them. In this way, many of us fear intimacy.
But unless we open up ourselves and reveal to others even our hurts and our fears, all that we’d end up building are superficial relationships. These relationships rob us of our opportunity to be really happy because they only leave us empty in the end, unable to fill our loneliness and our need to be truly loved from the very core of who we are.
We need people who can be there for us even when we’re not okay. We need those who can see our imperfections and still believe in the gift of our being. We need to be allowed to be weak, to make some mistakes, and to stumble as we persevere in striving to reach for our full potential. We need those who can be strong enough to see us fall, who can trust us enough that we will get up and rise again, wiser and stronger for all the trials that we’ve been through.
Others may have already failed us in the past, but may this not deter us from trusting again the right people who are ready to support us, to be intimate with us, and to love us for who we really are.
At times it’s okay not to be okay,
Come here and cry your tears away,
There’s someone who understands.
The world’s not always a safe place to be,
and this life’s not always kind;
At times you’d fall,
At times you’d cry,
At times you’d need
a helping hand.
Forget your troubles for a while,
and let your mind be still;
Lay down your burdens,
Lay down your cares,
Cast out your worries,
and your fears.
It’s okay though you’ve made some mistakes,
that’s what forgiveness is for;
It’s okay if you’re not perfect yet,
for you are still loved.
You can lay down your guard,
You can breathe out in relief,
You can rest, you can hide,
You can be weak,
No one will judge you,
No one will cast you away.
Weep with all your heart,
Cry with all of your tears,
There’s someone near,
There’s someone who understands.

3 replies on “On Intimacy, Getting Hurt and Superficial Relationships”
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I shall not be moved. Onnie
Therefore take up the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to withstand on that evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. – Ephesians 6:13, NRSV-CE