We’ve heard how life seemed so abundant in all things, in sunshine, in water, in the air we breathe. Everything is there for the taking, and the only thing left for us is to claim them. Yet how is it the many of us still lack in many things, particularly in material wealth? If the earth never lacks in water, why is it that we never seem to have even a small drop of it at times?
If water is the blessing, and if the blessing is in abudance, maybe we ask why some receive more of it than some of us do. And so we look at lakes far wider than the rest, or oceans for deeper and clearer, or waterfalls stronger and more majestic than many. And then we look at creeks and small trickles of water, of canals that lay stagnant and could not deliver such a powerful flow.
Can we now see it better? Can we now see how water (life’s blessings) can be so abundant, and how at the same time, we seem to have so little of it?
If we want to have more of it, like a big lake perhaps, it’s up to us to dig more deeper and to ALLOW more of the water to pass thru, to flow and to come in. The bigger the space we carve, the more water there will be, the more share of blessings we can have in the infinite abundance of life!

6 replies on “If there is abundance around, why can’t we receive it?”
Much more to the world than material wealth 🙂
yeah 🙂