Perhaps I’m not the only person who’s had a dilemma about God’s Mercy and Justice. It’s not easy to reconcile the two, especially for people like us whose wisdom falls short of the wisdom of God.
Many times, I’d rather focus on God’s Mercy. I have to admit that it’s because I need it. I often fall into sin and I’m truly grateful for His immeasurable love. I want to know that I can be forgiven, and that someone understands my shortcomings.
On the other hand, whenever I hear about the sins people commit against others, I can’t help but invoke God’s Justice. I’d like the guilty to be punished. I want to give the victims of crimes the justice that they deserve. Once again, I am grateful because I know that there will be a Judge who will be really fair and who will not have any selfish agenda for His judgments.
In the end, I guess God’s Mercy and Justice are inseparable. God is Merciful because He is Just, and He is Just because He is Merciful.
While He cannot allow the guilty to escape from his punishment, neither will He forsake those who sincerely repent for their sins.
For all His thoughts and His actions, God is a God of Love. And from this Love both comes His Justice and His Mercy.