The difficulty in admitting our mistakes sometimes comes from the thought that what we did is unforgivable. We condemn ourselves when in truth, God offers His mercy and His love.
Sometimes, beneath our pride is but a terrible fear that we can no longer be loved once we were found to be imperfect. Humility saves us by giving us hope. It allows us to think that despite everything, we can still be loved and we can still be capable of loving.
For quite a long time, I felt that humility is something that is meant to debase us and make us think low about ourselves. I’ve realized however that humility instead helps us see that despite our mistakes, there is still something good within us that God wants to save, something beautiful that God desires to preserve for all eternity. Humility does not lead to despair but to hope. It makes us believe that no matter how dark our lives have been, we can still find our way back into the light. We can still begin again.