I have always disliked the phrase “perfect is boring”. I could somehow understand where such a sentiment is coming from, but I just couldn’t agree with it.
Why should something perfect be boring? If it’s boring, it wouldn’t be perfect at all.
Perfection is wholeness, beauty, truth, and wisdom. When something is perfect, we can’t help but admire it. We aspire for it! That’s what we naturally do.
Perhaps people confuse our unrealistic drive towards perfection with perfection itself. While there is nothing wrong with perfection, we could be wrong in our assumptions about it.
This is quite evident in our spiritual growth. While we were commanded to “be perfect” (Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect. – Matthew 5), we were not expected to be perfect instantly or through our own efforts alone.
Perfection in the spiritual sense often involves many stages of development that happens through time. We also can’t achieve it without God’s grace. It is wrong to expect it instantly from ourselves or from other people. But it is also wrong to be content with our imperfection and to give up hope in God’s wonderful plan for us.
Let us not exhaust ourselves in trying to do what we cannot do on our own. On the other hand, let us not make a mockery of God’s command. Let us not use the difficulty of trying to be perfect to remain in our sins and our weaknesses. On the other hand, let us offer all our miseries to God who is Merciful and who will never give up on those who hope in Him.