I was recently watching the Korean drama series “Legend of the Blue Sea”. In the movie, the female lead is a mermaid and has the power to erase other people’s memories. (Spoiler alert!) Towards the end of the series, she has decided to use her power to erase the memory of her human boyfriend because she needed to return to the sea and she doesn’t know if she could ever come back to him.
What’s amazing though was that when she finally returned after three years, she was surprised to know that her boyfriend has never forgotten her. When she asked how, he answered that long before she erased his memory, he was able to journalize everything about her. When she left, he kept on reading his diary, a diary that contains all about their love and their relationship. He read it over and over so he would never forget!
I was reminded of our relationship with God. While it is true that we cannot see Him yet in this life, He has left us the Bible so we can always read about Him, so we may never forget. Let us take this opportunity to always remember God’s Love for us – how Jesus came humbly as a little child, how He took up His cross and offered His life to save us, and how He lived again on the third day to give us hope.
Let us not have the kind of spiritual amnesia that forgets about the things of God. Instead, may we always remember Him in everything. Let us use every reminder that can make us recall His love for each one of us.
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