When I first started blogging, I found great joy in connecting with people. I felt that blogging was like a magic portal that can connect me to countless people all over the world. I didn’t even need to publish in a magazine or a book. I just needed to write and people would read what I had to say.
These days, it’s not as easy as it was years ago. Though I can still connect to many people, there are various factors that has affected the reach of my writing. For one, there are many competitive blogs right now, most have a huge budget for advertisement that drives traffic to their sites. For another thing, it’s a lot harder to write about religious articles without being judged as intolerant of other people’s beliefs.
Though the world repeatedly affirms its tolerance, I feel that it is becoming more and more intolerant for those who hold on to the Christian and Catholic belief. We can write all we want and nobody would be reading if they knew outright that you are writing from a Christian perspective. I feel that time will soon come when very few would be interested in reading articles related to faith.
Despite this, however, Christian writers need not be disheartened. Even when nobody seems to be reading or taking notice, you can stand firmly like a beacon of light that needs no recognition or reward to continue its work. Who knows? One day, your light may finally shine through to help those who are trying to reach the shore.