Bitcoin had a drastic increase in value in the last quarter of 2020. Because of this, many people have become interested again in investing in the said cryptocurrency. Many people also regretted the fact that they have not invested in it when its value was much lower.
The problem, however, is that many people who had regrets about Bitcoin were unable to benefit from it because they only viewed it as a short term investment. They wanted to make profits right away. They couldn’t wait for its value to increase through the years. Also, whenever Bitcoin’s value decreases, they become worried right away and decide to withdraw their money even though they have not made enough earnings yet. They just don’t have the faith to hold on to it for the years to come.
Isn’t it the same with heaven? Many people don’t want to even look at the idea of heaven because they just can’t wait for it. They want to have fun here and now. Even some who have tried to join some form of religion withdraw from it quickly whenever times of trouble and testing comes.
Heaven is about eternity and the eternal value of everything we do on earth. To possess it, we must be willing to give up everything else that gets in the way. We must not look at temporary pleasures nor must we count our temporary losses along the way.
Just like Bitcoin Hodlers, are you in it for the long run?
“Whatever you do will have sense only if you see it in terms of eternal life.” – Chiara Corbella Petrillo, A Witness to Joy
Note: This article does not intend to recommend investment in Bitcoin or in any other cryptocurrency and is a personal opinion meant only to emphasize the importance of time and eternity.