The world may not recognize it, but it’s in a desperate attempt to be happy. We’re quite desperate, we just don’t realize it yet.
We try to act cool. We try to talk as though we’re confident and successful and in control. But deep inside, we’re worried, and tired and a little bit mad.
We’ve been disappointed too many times. We have expected much and we have been failed by those we esteemed the most.
Now we’re losing not only hope but faith. Faith that things can still get better. Faith that despite all the chaos we see around us, we can still find our way to peace.
There is no longer order in anything. Beauty fades the instant we try to touch it. We try to live for the moment, but even the moment eludes our grasp.
And so we act as if we don’t care. We try to take pride in our failures, we live wildly and recklessly because we could no longer see where we’re going.
There is no more mystery, there is no longer anything that can surprise us along the way. Could there be any other purpose in life rather than surviving the moment and numbing our emptiness away? Could there be any higher plan, a grander scheme to things we could stake our lives upon?
If there is no more meaning to life, then we are lost. If there is no destination to look forward to, then we are only wasting our days, killing time, trying to forget that we have ever craved for anything deeper.
But we have become too proud to continue looking. Our hearts have become too cold to seek some warmth.
This is all there is, and all we have is darkness. This time is all we have, and this time is worth nothing but tears that drip on speedily into the void.
It pains us to think that there could be anything more. It pains us to think that it is now too late for us.
We have therefore made our prisons into our homes. We have claimed imperfection as our fate. And all of those who claim otherwise couldn’t possibly be telling the truth.
We can no longer see the skies, that’s why we paint our canvasses with shades of gloom. We have refused to see the light, and that is why we keep on stumbling in the dark.