I had a very strange dream when I was a teenager. I dreamt that as I rose from bed, I saw my own body still lying down and asleep! I then remembered some thoughts about souls departing from their physical bodies at the moment of death, and that’s when I got a bit afraid. I tried to return to my body but I couldn’t, and so I prayed to God to help me live because I still have so many things to do in my life. Like a miracle indeed, I was able to wake up again.
So many things have happened since that day, and somehow, I believe I was able to accomplish much. There had been some rough times for sure, but looking back now, it has been a blessed life.
I couldn’t help but think what would happen if I happen to have the same dream again. Would I still want to come back? What would make me desire to continue living on earth?
I then thought about the things that help people to stay alive despite of all the difficulties they encounter in life. What are some of the things that keep people from wanting to die?
1. The Fear Of The Unknown
Some people don’t really prefer to live. They’re just afraid to die! This life then is better because at least, we already know what this life is like. No matter how miserable we are, we’ve learned to cope. What happens in the next life is a whole new story and we’re just afraid of it because we don’t know anything about it at all.
2. Unfinished Business and Responsibilities
Some people have a very strong urge to survive not for their own benefit but in order to fulfill their current obligations. Some may deem their work very important because what they do there could affect a lot of people. Some may regard their children as their reason for living. They just can’t let go yet until they see them grow up and happily settled in their own lives.
Others still have certain unfinished concerns that are not so positive. This could include things they wish to do out of envy, jealousy or anger. Thus for some people, it’s only the thought of taking vengeance that gives meaning to their very existence. Take that away and they see no more reason to live.
3. Enjoyment of Material Things
Some people don’t care about any other kind of existence but the one we have right now with our physical bodies. They enjoy the things that satisfy the senses and couldn’t imagine or hope for anything more.
What If You No Longer Have The Same Reasons?
There comes a time when some people could no longer fall within the 3 broad categories mentioned earlier. What if the enjoyment of material things no longer satisfies you? What if you’ve already met your responsibilities and been freed from all your obligations? And what if you’re no longer afraid of death because you now have a firm faith of what awaits you in the next life? What would give you the strength to go on and live?
I guess St. Paul had the same dilemma back then:
For what is life? To me, it is Christ. Death, then, will bring more. But if by continuing to live I can do more worthwhile work, then I am not sure which I should choose. I am pulled in two directions. I want very much to leave this life and be with Christ, which is a far better thing; but for your sake it is much more important that I remain alive. I am sure of this, and so I know that I will stay. I will stay on with you all, to add to your progress and joy in the faith, so that when I am with you again, you will have even more reason to be proud of me in your life in union with Christ Jesus. – Philippians 1:21-26
There are times when death will seem sweeter, for it is after all not really death but a new birth and a new life with Jesus, our beloved, the one we love the most. And who wouldn’t want to be with her beloved? But if one really loves Jesus, one would also love those whom He loves. And for His sake, she will forgo seeing Him for the time being in order to love those whom He also loves. Love therefore is the only remaining key to life.
How about you? Do you live your life merely out of fear? Out of duty or responsibility? Or do you live your life for the sake of LOVE?

4 replies on “What Would Keep You From Dying?”
Before I accept Jesus Christ as my personal Savior I always have fear of dying though I read books about NDE (near death experience) it doesn’t ease my fear of dying. Once I read a book entitled “Embrace by the light” it was a very heart warming true story of NDE and I just know if death will come and visit us. God will take care of us.Ma’am I have been following your post and it just such a blessing to others too, Do keep on posting, this is a God given talent,make yourself always a blessing to others.
I just know if death will come and visit us. God will take care of us.Ma’am I have been following your post and it just such a blessing to others too, Do keep on posting. | 😛
Although we should not fear from dying, but still when we think about it I’m scared because I think about my family. I want to live for them.
So inspirational, this is what we need to stay focus with our goals and being inspired for the whole day. Keep posting.