As Christians, we believe that God is the Creator of all things. He has made the entire world and the universe itself and is the source of all riches, power and glory. He is indeed the King of Kings and is the Provider of all our needs.
There are times, however, when we wonder why God hasn’t given us more wealth, riches we think we could have used for the greater good. Why is it that the ones who possess much of the world’s wealth are those who don’t seem to use it in helping the weak and the needy?
We see people who merely use their riches to buy luxurious estates for themselves. We see people who throw away their money gambling or buying alcohol and other unnecessary things. And then we see pastors and church people asking for donation, walking the streets just so they could ask for a little amount to sustain their heavenly work.
Why couldn’t God give them more? Couldn’t God make us richer?
I think such questions aren’t those that could easily be answered. For how could we ever fathom the depths and heights of God’s wisdom? How could we foresee whether giving us greater riches now would indeed be for our good or for the good of many?
Here are just some things we can consider noting:
1. More wealth doesn’t always mean a greater good
We may think that being more wealthy could be good for us. But who knows what we’d actually do once we acquire great riches? Have we not seen people who changed after acquiring great wealth? We need to note that God is more concerned for our spiritual salvation than for our physical comfort and pleasures.
It could also be that God knows how we won’t be any happier after being rich. Have we not seen people who don’t seem to be satisfied even if they have a lot of money? For some people, great riches may even be like a curse. They become doubtful whether people approach them for their sake of only for the sake of their money. They may spend sleepless nights thinking of the next investment they could make, fearing to lose what they already have.
2. We can’t blame God for everything
Could it be that we are asking God for something we have not worked hard for? Is it possible that we want instant riches without exerting the effort to make the money we think we need?
God has given us talents, gifts and skills we can use. Have we developed them and used them for good?
3. Suffering can help us grow spiritually
God knows how trials and other kinds of suffering can help us grow spiritually. It could give us compassion for the weak, the poor and the needy. It can make us stronger in faith.
4. God could be reserving your reward in heaven
It could also be that God is reserving your reward in heaven. He may withhold some earthly riches for you now, but aren’t you grateful for the eternal riches you’re going to have after this life? Such are the riches that could never be stolen away from you. That’s the kind of wealth that never fades.
“Don’t lay up treasures for yourselves on the earth, where moth and rust consume, and where thieves break through and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consume, and where thieves don’t break through and steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” — Matthew 6:19–21, WEBBE
5. God can still make you rich
It isn’t the end yet. As you go through this life, who knows what God has in store for you? If He knows that giving you more riches would benefit you and bless other people, He could make you rich in an instant or over a period of time.
Final words
There are many things we can’t understand yet with our limited perspective. While we may see all the unfairness in this world as we grapple with our difficulties, we must not lose heart. In times when we can’t understand, let us continue to trust the Father who will not withhold from us what’s best for us. In times when we can’t understand, let us pray for faith.
“Be steadfast in your covenant and be doing it,
and grow old in your work.
Don’t marvel at the works of a sinner,
but trust the Lord and stay in your labour;
for it is an easy thing in the sight of the Lord
to swiftly and suddenly make a poor man rich.
The Lord’s blessing is in the reward of the godly.
He makes his blessing flourish in an hour that comes swiftly.”
– Sirach 11:20–22, WEBBE