Everybody’s aching. Everybody’s searching for a little bit of comfort and of hope. These days, however, it seems politically incorrect to tell others about your faith, especially when your faith is about Jesus. When you share your faith, it’s as though you’re immediately judging and condemning other people.
But sharing my faith is also sharing my hope. If I truly believe that Jesus has the remedy to this seemingly meaningless existence, why should I not share the answer I have found? Why is it wrong to share the most important thing that ever gave meaning to my life?
Everybody seems to be looking for some kind of relief. And we’re allowed to seek it for as long as we don’t seek it in Jesus. Again, I’d like to ask, “Why?”
Why should I keep to myself something that I believe to be true? If I see souls dying each day, souls that do not know where to turn to, should I not lead them where they can finally be satisfied? Should I not point the way where they can be healed?
I’d like to let others know that we can find in God the kind of happiness that has often eluded us. I’d like to tell the world that even when loved ones die, there is hope that we can meet them again because this life is not yet the end. I’d like to shout out loud that the kind of love we have been searching for can be found in Him who sacrificed His own life so we may not lose ours.
Despite all these, the world seems to say, “Just keep it to yourself.”
But how could I? Do you just keep your bread to yourself even when you see a poor man dying of hunger? Do you keep medicine to yourself even when you see a sick person in pain?
Everyone’s afraid of being judged, and yet it’s so easy to judge those who believe in God. Everyone preaches about tolerance, and yet there is no true freedom for those who see a different kind of Light.
Why must faith in Jesus be quarantined? Why must believers hide behind a mask?
“Some of the Pharisees from the multitude said to him, ‘Teacher, rebuke your disciples!’
He answered them, ‘I tell you that if these were silent, the stones would cry out.’”
– Luke 19:39-40, WEB-BE