Best Life Quotes

The Secret to Life – quote

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Herein is the secret to the fullness of life – that one be born again, and again, and again…  🙂 –

Life Spirituality


We learn to love each other when we begin to realize how truly unique and wonderful each one of us is. Like seashells along the shore, no one is entirely alike, each is crafted with an imprint of God’s hand, each has something to share, and each has something to admire and long for in another.

People often see me as I quiet person, one who rarely cracks a joke, one that can comfortably sit in a corner and have a good time reading a book or listening to good music. But that doesnt mean I couldn’t engage in good conversation. That doesn’t mean I couldn’t comfort a grieving soul. That doesn’t mean I couldn’t share the kind of happiness that comes from things the world hardly notices in its race towards unreachable dreams. I am the kind of person God has masterfully and lovingly made me to be. I am happy. I am beautiful. I am unique!

life after death

A Vision of Light, Darkness and Eternal Damnation

What do you see?

I see the Primeval Light, which is LOVE, encompassing the world, sustaining everything in it, offering Absolute Joy and Peace to all who will open up their hearts for Him.

How about darkness? Whence did it come from? Was it from the Light?

Light has nothing to do with darkness. Even in the beginning, light was separated from the darkness. Darkness is not created, only Light is, yet many choose to remain in darkness rather than be made part of the Light.

Why is there so much darkness in the world?

Light has come unto the world, but the world refused Him and chose to remain in Darkness. Nevertheless, the Light did not abandon the world, but provided a Flame that will seek out all who desire to come out of the darkness that they may be a part of the Light in the appointed time, when a separation of the Light from the Darkness shall be made once again.

When shall this separation commence?

The Time shall come like a thief in the night.

And what of this thief? How shall he separate the Light from the Darkness?

Those who have set themselves apart for the Light at the time appointed them shall be duly harvested, no one can snatch them away from their Lover.

And what of those who have not known their Love?

Their Lover awaits them, even unto the beyond. He will make known unto them that which had been concealed by the Darkness. He will wipe away the tears from their eyes and He will vanquish all their fears.

Does it mean then that all shall be saved?

Salvation is for all as Light is for all. Yet even in the beyond not all men look towards the Light. In stubbornness, men persist in their darkness and hide from the very One, the Only One who can bring True Light into the darkness of their hearts where they are.

This article was written by Jocelyn Soriano at  You are free to republish this article as long as the author and the site  are duly acknowledged.

Life Spirituality

Who are blessed?

I’ve often heard people saying “I’m truly blessed”, or “God blessed me.”

Does that mean other people weren’t blessed? 

If God causes the sun to shine both on the good and the bad, will He withhold His blessings to some and give it only to a few?

Who are we to say that some people are less fortunate than us?

I believe that God pours His blessings upon us all… always.

And maybe, when we say that we are blessed, it is only like saying we have finally found the faith to receive what God is giving us.  Finally, we have recognized God’s goodness, and for that, we say that we are blessed! 

Healing Life Spirituality

The Power of Surrender

Surrender is a mighty powerful word.

Sometimes we wonder why God had to wait until we’re tired and worn out, until we’ve finally given up before He gives us what we want.

And the answer is that we have made Him wait that long before we allowed Him to carry on His work and give us what it is we’ve been praying for.

Let us repent therefore.

Repent as in the word “metanoia” which means “a change of mind”.

From doing things our own way, let us trust and cooperate with the Spirit
so we may live the full life Jesus has promised us all!