
God Designed Us For Heaven

When man first fell
from the grace of god
and left the perfect happiness and love
from his presence
God knew
that He will not totally disappear from them
God knew that even in this fallen world,
He will always be in our midst
Yea, even in this valley of tears
there are streaks of love that can get through
there are traces of grace and blessing
in every God-given relationship that we shall have
God is there from the very beginning
In your mother
in your father
God is the love that embraced you
from the moment you were born

God is there when your heart
first learned to beat for your special someone
God is there when you knelt before Him
as you made your vows for the beloved you have found

God is there when you gave birth
when you first held your baby in your arms

Wasn’t it paradise?
Wasn’t it heaven?

Love is our heaven here on earth
the love that finds us all
and whoever we are

God designed all things
that we may find Him
from the moment in our mother’s womb
to the moment we ourselves give life to our own child

Love appears before us
even when we think it has hidden itself away

Indeed, I say
that there is a friend there waiting
loving you.

A friend loves at all times,
a friend that’s only been waiting
to be found