
So what if you like pink?

Women are different from men

I’ve learned that men and women are different. And in order to be your best self, you have to nurture who you are, your masculine or your feminine side.

It is easy to forget who you are and just fit in into the roles that rarely consider the uniqueness of each person. In a corporate setting perhaps, it is so easy to neglect the feminine side of a woman and merely focus on her needed skills in order to achieve corporate goals. What’s needed is her being analytical or compliant to rules and regulations, or her being competitive enough to get promoted and to assert herself. Instead of being treated as a person, as a woman, sometimes she is treated as a man, or worse, as a machine or an asset that needs to perform, nothing more.

It isn’t wrong to expect performance from a person, especially if that’s what the job requires. But let us not forget our true nature, our being human, for it is in being our best selves that we also serve best the people around us.

In being a woman for instance, we need to nurture our emotions, and our need to talk and be heard. We are communicators by nature, and if repressed, we feel that our thinking process is incomplete. If expressed properly however, people benefit from us because we serve as channels of understanding where we are. We provide a flowing channel of emotions that enable us to have insights we may never even arrive at had we remained stiff and detached from our hearts.

Women provide a sense of peace, a sense of beauty and of expression, let no one take it away from you. Women are also healers in that they are able to guide people thru their pain, being more familiar with pain themselves. Like nature, we could be buffers that absorb what is hurtful and blunt, and turn them into something more fluid, accepting and resilient.

Nurture your feminine side, for women are different from men. Shop around and pamper yourself once in a while, if that’s what’s needed to bring out the woman in you. Don’t be afraid to express your eccentricities or your fondness of things men may not have interest in. So what if you like cute figurines or hello kitty characters? So what if you like pink? So what if you needed to talk while processing your ideas? If you are to nurture your feminity, guess who’d be the first ones to be thankful about it?