Grief Poems

Do Not Cast My Ashes Into the Sea!

Do not cast my ashes into the sea
nor leave them near a tree,
Lest you believe that I am there…
These ashes came from me,
but they’re not me.

Do not carry my ashes
as though I could not move at all,
for I did not become that small.
Death never had me whole,
for I have my immortal soul.

Do not hope that I be carried by the wind,
for I will not come as dust that hurt your eyes.
I have not vanished when I died,
but I live still and I am here,
I’ll always stay right by your side.

Jocelyn Soriano wrote the books In Your Hour of Grief and Of Waves and Butterflies: Poems on Grief.

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Grief Poems

Grief Is Something You Do All Over Again

woman grievingI took some lessons and I’ve learned
that grief is something
you do all over again
like walking the path you once walked together,
or eating that pie that made him smile.

Grief is waking up each day,
and missing him all over again,
remembering when
you had him by your side.

It is sleeping at night
and trying not to cry
but then end up sleeping
with tears in your eyes.

Grief is going back to that very time,
when I could have said goodbye
but did not mind.
It’s wondering how anything
could have changed
if only I begged him
to kiss me goodnight.

They say time will heal
and the heart will mend,
but I have learned from my lessons
that grief is love that never ends.
You may try to move on
and you may try to forget,
but grief is something you do
all over again.

Jocelyn Soriano writes about relationships and the Catholic faith at Single Catholic Writer. She wrote the books In Your Hour of Grief and Of Waves and Butterflies: Poems on Grief.

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I Will Smile Again! (poem)

I will smile again poem 2012I will smile again

Though tears flow from these eyes

I will smile again

And trust tomorrow the sun shall rise

Though darkness may enfold me

Though heavy rain can’t help but pour

Though shattered, lost and broken

Though heart could barely bear it all

Though tired and weary and confused

Though badly hurt and bruised

I know that I will smile again

And I will smile again!

When you’re hurt, know that darkness is passing. You WILL SMILE AGAIN!


Goodnight My Dear!

Goodnight my dear

I’m glad I have you near

For the many things you’ve brought me

There’s nothing I shall fear

Goodnight my dear

Let my songs wipe your tears

We’ve certainly got each other

And we always shall through the years

goodnight poems

Goodnight my dear

Let my prayer bring you cheer

The moon is bright and the stars are shining

And they bless us always here 🙂


Of pain and pleasure

Pain and pleasure, both seem to tempt us

distracting us from our true and lasting joys.

Pleasure alone, brought by the senses

cannot make us truly happy.

They accompany us for a while,

but are soon forgotten

and we weep not for loss of their memory.

Pain on the other hand inflicts our soul

and we cry out for justice,

we seek for God’s goodness.

What makes us happy then

if not the passions of our flesh?

It is the thought we render

upon whatever sensations that come our way,

the light by which our souls perceive true beauty,

by which love is revealed unto us,

changing us,

etching eternity unto our hearts.

It is thus that pain and pleasure become meaningful

even to be vehicles of good

It is thus when pain

reminds us

of the frailty of our pleasures

and how we should seek the things

that will truly last.

It is thus when the pleasure

of seeing a beautiful rose

sinks deep into our soul,

for then a rose is no longer just a rose,

but a gift most warmly and generously given,

always to remind us

how sweetly

and how strongly

we have been loved.